
Unit 1 Text A

  • 1-5 B A  D A B
  • Section A
    1. consistent statement 3.reflect 4.invalid 5.considerable 6.comparison

Section B

1.credible. 2.identify 3.assumption 4.represents 5.evaluated 6.appropriate

Section C

1.to 2.forward 3.into 4.in 5.with 6.to

  • 1-5 define action tears good express

6-10 powerful internally respond to shapes personal IV Section A

  1. take different social groups intoaccount
  2. Comparinghis present work with the previous work,
  3. is inconsistent with what he told thepoliceman
  4. is not relevant to what we’re dealingwith
  5. Inform us of anyof your changes

Section B


V 52134

Text B

  • Section A

1-6 Y F Y F Y NG

Section B

  1. Masteringour language our lives and destinies 3.determination
  2. power 5.live whatever lifeyoudesire 6. some alternatives
  • Section A
    1. confidence creative 3. eliminate 4. dramatically 5. significant 6.limit

Section B

  1. matter 2. commonly 3. pleased 4.infinite 5. command 6. impact

Section C

  1. out 2.Seems 3. on 4. within 5. in 6. over
  • Section A
  1. have a great impact on the country’s
  2. but it matters a lot tome
  3. but the police is soon in control of thesituation
  4. i have on alternative but let yougo
  5. The final decision is up to themanager

Section B



职场英语的学习将极大的促进专业有效地沟通,就像地道的翻译将为客户,商业伙伴, 供应商提供良好的服务,它对任何生意都将是有益的。

  • SectionA
    1. was→were wisesbecause he 3. it had 4. industries though it 5.cost→costs

Section B

  1. Randolph was born inFlorida.
  2. The march featured the Reverend Martin Luther King’s unforgettable “ I Have a Dream” speech.

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